Eco-Friendly LED Lighting For Warehouses And Airports - Evitech

Eco-Friendly LED Lighting For Warehouses And Airports

Eco-Friendly LED Lighting For Warehouses And Airports

Green and renewable energies have arrived to give the planet a break. Is environmental issues a priority for all companies with vision and commitment?

In this sense, airports worldwide have been adopting measures to mitigate the polluting effects of their processes, reduce costs and prioritize energy efficiency.

In the case of Lighting and electricity, the economy is key for this sector. LED Lighting has positioned itself as the best alternative for savings and efficiency.

An eco-friendly LED Lighting For Warehouses alternative

Airports can benefit from panels, LED tubes, and integrated solar power and prioritize natural light, low-consumption ventilation, and sustainable architecture. Without going any further, a Philippine case of a sustainable airport could reduce CO2 emissions by 18 tons.

These decisions apply to all terminal spaces, warehouses, and other rooms. Lighting design can bring benefits such as increased productivity, improvements in precision tasks, and energy and resource savings.

Remember that LED tubes have a useful life of more than 40,000 hours; they are safer, do not heat up, and use energy intelligently.

In the case of wineries, current designs still consider metal halide lamps. This can easily be replaced by LED high bays, tubes, or panels specially designed for industrial.

On the other hand, LED lights can help mitigate the effects of jet lag on passengers. Waiting or break rooms can have various lighting options to simulate dim, less bright and dimmable environments.

The advantages of integrating LED systems in spaces for public use are undoubtedly a wise choice. Companies must consider the benefits and characteristics that add value to spaces, better users’ quality of life, and an ecological commitment to the environment.